Summertime with the birds

Here comes trouble…

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I wonder how long it would take me to undo that?

IMG_3281 (909x1024)       Just waiting for my buddies…

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Time to crack open a few almonds sitting on the carport roof……

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and he said and she said…

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Meanwhile, early morning in the garden on a very hot day, all the birdbaths are ready…

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magpies always wait their turn….

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Wattle birds are in and out like a flash, drying off on the camellias…

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Softly, softly, with parrots, much too shy to come out if the cockatoos are around

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and for the sheer joy of living, here is our baby magpie enjoying the sprinkler…

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Oh the sheer anticipation of that sprinkler…here I go….

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..adrenaline rush…..Quick back up on the pot to do it all again..

Where would we be without them?




24 Replies to “Summertime with the birds”

    1. The cockatoos are real characters and easy to photograph, but actually the magpies are the birds that are almost tame in our garden.

  1. Lovely birds, I love the call of the magpie. We have lots of crows here and unfortunately they have chased all the other parrots, rosellas and lorikeets away

    1. I know crows can be dreadful, and we have currawongs that would love to get into our garden, but Paul is pretty good at chasing them off (sometimes with a broom!).They don’t pay any attention to me at all!

    1. The parrot is called a Crimson Rosella, and I agree, is quite beautiful. But for personality plus, and photo opportunities, you just can’t beat the cockatoos!

  2. So nice to see the cockatoos wild and free. I loathe seeing any bird caged, especially these beauties. Your other birds are splendid. Thanks for sharing! What fine hosts you are! Happy 2016!

    1. Thanks Sylvia, we have spent more time in the garden now that we have makes a difference pulling out weeds every day! Yes, the parrots are lovely around here, and most are just tame enough to come down to birdbaths.

  3. Aren’t they fascinating to watch? We love watching the backyard birds here, but of course, we have much different species. I love the little magpie’s sense of adventure!

    1. Yes, birds are fascinating to watch in the garden. I’m glad you liked the little magpie, he/she was a real favourite last year…

    1. I’m glad you liked the baby magpie, I was afraid the photos were not very clear, but his/her enthusiasm for that sprinkler was wonderful to watch.

  4. That is great to have cockatoos in the garden. I know they are very destructive though. I have one I want to send back. He has been with me over 30 years too. I love all the birds you showed. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks Donna…yes I know how destructive cockatoos can be and luckily most cockatoos only come to our garden for the almonds…the parrots are much better behaved!

    1. Yes, they are all wild, which is lovely. Glad you liked the baby magpie, I was afraid the photos weren’t clear enough to show him jumping off that flower pot! Thanks for stopping by..

    1. Thanks Dina…. one of the joys of blogging is being able to share photos like the one of the little magpie leaping into the water, glad it brought on a smile!

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