Canberra in Autumn …the gentlest season of the year

When the long hot summer is over, autumn is most welcomed in Australia.

Here are two verses from  Dorothea McKellar’s beautiful poem called

Australian Autumn

Rowing on an early autumn morning across Lake Burley Griffin near the Carillon

This is the gentlest season of the year,

From mists of pearl and gold

Lake Tuggeranong looking over the Brindabella Mountains

The slow sweet hours unfold…

fishing in Lake Burley Griffin near King’s Avenue bridge

To crystal colours, still

Canoeing on the lake near Yarralumla..

as a glass, but not so chill..

All birds speak softly in the autumn bush..

Crimson Rosella


King Parrots

And so the mellow day flows on to dusk.

and loveliness that grows

From skies of mauve and rose,

While fragrant smoke-plumes lie

Subtle as a memory.

Isn’t autumn a wonderful season? I hope you are enjoying your season, where ever you are in the world.

I have a few busy weeks coming up and I won’t be able to post, but I will read your posts and enjoy keeping up with your worlds.


Copyright Geraldine Mackey: All Rights Reserved.












26 Replies to “Canberra in Autumn …the gentlest season of the year”

  1. As always, a welcome read, Geraldine. Haven’t Canberra’s green spaces come of age! I can remember how it look when I arrived there in 1978.

    1. Yes… Canberra was a very quiet little town in those days … Unfortunately it is looking as dry as the old days this Autumn.

  2. I do love autumn – the softer light, the cool air, the colors. I’ve said it before, but you have the most amazing birds where you live! Of course, on this side of the world we are now moving from spring into summer – 92 degrees (F) today.

    1. I don’t know how your lovely garden copes with such a long cold winter and a month or two later you are having summer temperatures.

    1. Thanks Clare… Poetry doesn’t get quoted very often these days, sadly. I hope summer is almost upon you to enjoy.

  3. That header picture gets me every time! Fantastic!
    Oh, I’ve just read this before going to bed. How very beautiful and soothing. Such an atmospheric poem with perfect, delightful pictures accompanying it. What an amazing country you live in. This post will fill my dreams for sure! xxx

    1. Thanks Dina … Lovely to think of Dorothy McKellar’s poem filling your dreams. And yes … Don’t you just love kookaburras!

  4. Such a delightful poem, Gerrie. Your wonderful photos illustrate it perfectly. I’m sure that I would love your autumn weather. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 xx

  5. Oh, gosh, what a lovely post. The pictures—especially those birds!—and the words come together in such a satisfying way. Enjoy your autumn, which sounds like a very welcome relief from the heat.

  6. I have not heard that poem before, but how Dorothy Mckellar can capture the beauty of Australia in all its seasons and moods. And you have paired it with such delightful photos. Thank you for introducing me to this lovely poem. Enjoy your time away I will watch for your return.

    1. Thanks Pam, I don’t think that poem of Dorothy McKellar is very well know, and it is such a lovely one. I’ll be back in the blogging world in about a month.

  7. Enjoy your time off-blog! The poem with your photos perfectly brought the feel of Australia’s fall to those of us heading in the other direction.

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