Canberra’s winter photos…. those that didn’t make the cut.

Well here we are in the middle of winter in Canberra, and I have left my camera in Melbourne.

Canberra, with its beautiful clear autumn and winter light, lends itself to photography. My Iphone is fine for family photos, but my camera is better for landscapes.

However, I do have many, many folders of photos that have not been used. I wonder how many bloggers are the same? I am better at de-cluttering the house than getting rid of photos. You just never know when you will need them.

So here are a few photos from these folders of my favourite places to walk, take photos, and have coffee in Canberra. Some photos have been used in previous posts, but many have been hiding in all those folders.

Ann Moyal, a writer, and an academic, had to say….

“I have been in love with Canberra for over sixty years. Its parched landscape, its ring of deep blue mountains etched against an iridescent sky. Its light and calming beauty…

Canberra’s suburbs are full of birds all year round, but in autumn and winter we start to notice some our most colourful visitors…the King Parrots.


The male Australian King Parrot is the only Australian parrot with a completely red head. The female King parrot has a green head and neck.

Australian National Botanic Gardens

The Rainbow Lorikeet is a beautiful splash of colour against the Eucalyptus tree in autumn.

Lake Burley Griffin

Early morning walkers and bike riders are dedicated…they are relaxing around the lake in every season ..even winter.

The National Library of Australia

This is my favourite building, one of the best places for coffee, and so warm and comfortable too!

The National Art Gallery of Australia sculpture: Floating Figure by Gaston Lachaise

I always enjoy the native gardens in Art Gallery gardens, and the sculptures change with every season.

The National Art Gallery of Australia sculpture: Cones by Bert Flugelman

Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve is not far from the city centre, and is full of wildlife..

I have many photos of kangaroos as a result of our visits during spring. However, for some reason this photo never makes the cut.

An Emu at Tidbinbilla.

When we first came to Canberra we went to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve at Easter time with our two young children (after our Easter hunt back home). We found a picnic table and sat down to have our picnic and Easter eggs. Some Emus appeared out of nowhere and two of them snipped up the Easter eggs, and off they went into the bushes! Our daughters have had a very cautious approach to Emus every since.

One of my absolute favourite places for a walk in autumn and winter is around the suburb of Yarralumla.

Government House Yarralumla

This is the house where the Governor General resides, and has a wonderful view across the lake. There lines in the water are for rowing boats.

In summer time I sometimes meet friends at a coffee shop near here, and the mature shady gardens are a wonderful place to sit on a warm day.

During one of my visits, a very organised lady arrived with her greyhound and small dog. I asked if she would like me to keep an eye on them while she ordered her coffee. She thanked me, but said the little dog was the boss, and even with her restricted collar, she would not let the greyhound move away.

I could believe it!

Just as I write this today, Australia has experienced a spike in COVID cases in Sydney, and short Lockdowns have begun. This is a timely reminder to get vaccinated. Paul and I have had our first vaccine with no side effects and will have the second dose in August.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today, and may your garden, your home and family be happy and safe, where ever you are in the world.

Copyright: Geraldine Mackey: All Rights Reserved.

21 Replies to “Canberra’s winter photos…. those that didn’t make the cut.”

  1. What wonderful pictures you have in your archives showing what a beautiful place you live in. I liked the story about the two dogs too.

  2. I loved Tidbinbilla – how I would love to visit Canberra again! We were there for Floriade in 2017. Hope you stay safe in these uncertain times.

    1. Thanks Barbara, so far the ACT has been okay, but Canberrans go to Sydney more than any other city! New Zealand’s seems to be doing alright now too, hope for the best. Yes, Canberra is planning a proper Floriade again this year, so hope all goes well.

  3. So much to say and first would be to once again admire your beautiful country – gorgeous landscapes. The one thing missing from your ‘winter’ landscape is the white stuff. 🙂 Then, of course, I have to thank you for including those handsome parrots. Their beautiful colors always cause me to smile. I had seen on the news that your Covid cases had increased somewhat so stay safe. Glad you have access to the vaccine. We are both vaccinated, but you never know about the other folks you encounter out and about so we still wear our masks inside shopping and such. Our vaccinated population has stalled at 60+% across the country. It sure would be better for all of us if that was a higher number, but getting vaccinated is a challenging topic. Stay well while you wait for your second one.

    1. Thanks Judy, and it was nice to find another cute photo of those parrots, they are gentle sweet birds. (well, not the Cockatoos of course, they have attitude!). Yes, vaccines are a problem here, not a big enough supply, and some complacency in states that have had very few cases. And some just won’t have it. However, the US is doing really well to get 60 plus% of the population, that is outstanding for such a vast country. You must both feel safer having had your vaccines, and we are well on the that feels good too. We are back to wearing masks, but that’s all okay. Enjoy summer, hope the weather is not too hot to garden.

  4. Gorgeous photos, Gerrie. That little dog somehow reminds me of my Gran. She was tiny, only 4’11” with size 1 shoes, but she was definitely the boss. 😀 The parrots are really showy. I wouldn’t mind a couple in my backyard. Glad you and hubby have got your first vaccines. We didn’t have a reaction to the first one, but the second one was a bit more noticeable in that we both felt a little off for 24 hours. At least we knew it had worked. Enjoy your winter. The library sounds like an excellent place to hang out.

    1. Thanks Sylvia, I’m glad those photos got an airing. When I wrote about the little dog I was thinking of my Mum, she was tiny too, but what a dynamo!

  5. Your photos all make the cut with me! Those long shots of the mountains are magical, and of course I love your Australian birds! So glad you will soon be fully vaccinated.

    1. Thanks Jason, I enjoyed looking through these photos after all this time. Australia did not start off with a big supply of vaccines this year, and we have only just started to manufacture our own. Anyway it is all happening since this latest outbreak, more vaccines and more people wanting to be vaccinated.

  6. A ring of blue mountains sounds perfect. Love me my mountains.

    We face 2 weeks of hard lockdown. Still allowed to walk, but no groups of any sort – your own household and that is it.

    1. Yes, I love the mountains too, more than the sea and the coastline. Another two weeks of hard lockdown…. thank goodness you can walk, and I hope you have a good supply of books.

  7. Those pictures were definitely worth saving! Many thanks for giving me more glimpses of Canberra. Such a beautiful place. Those blue mountains pierced my heart. And those birds! If ever I come to Australia, you can be sure I will visit Canberra.

  8. This is such a wonderful collection of photos, Gerrie! I am so glad you looked through your folders though I’m also sorry you haven’t got your camera with you. I liked the emu story though I think I’d also be extremely wary of emus after that as well!

    1. Thanks Clare, I’m glad I rescued those photos too. Yes, I think almost everyone in Australia would be cautious around Emus, they are opportunists!

  9. That little dog in the buggy has me smiling, I can see how she is the boss! I love your kangaroo photo and am so jealous of you being able to see emus! I could look at your colourful birds forever, you are blessed with so much splendid wildlife. I’m in awe of those mountains, just stunningly

    1. Thanks Dina, you would have a lot of fun at Tidbinbilla which is full of emus and kangaroos. I haven’t seen a platypus….yet!

  10. Personally, I’d love to spend some time at that coffee shop. What a beautiful spot. And, dog friendly! As always, your colorful birds always get to me. I suspect on any visit to Australia, my attention would be so focused on the birds that I would be oblivious to my human companions.

    1. Thanks Brenda….yes, even though we have lived in Canberra a long time, I can never get over the wildlife, especially the parrots.

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