Kangaroos, Koalas and the Brushed Tailed Rock Wallaby Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Yesterday Paul and I intended going out to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, until the weather took a turn for the worse, cold and windy and miserable. So, it was definitely a ”stay at home” kind of day.

However I had many photos from previous visits, quite often through winter, so I’ve used these photos and regular readers (over years) will recognise a few.

Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve is a much loved place, very close to Canberra, with walks and views of animals, all living in their natural habitat. The Reserve also has much needed threatened species breeding programs, and conservation of flora and fauna.

More than anything it gives us all the ability to connect in with nature and conservation.

Considering these photos were taken in winter the kangaroos and koalas are looking very healthy. The joey seems to be quite relaxed in his pouch.

The mother of this joey, instinctively protecting her joey before she continues to graze.

Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby amongst the burnt trees

In 2003 we had terrible fires in this region, and also in Canberra. The photo above was taken well after the fires, but still the remnants of the fire remain.

This photo was seen in many parts of the world at that time. Humans and animals desperately trying to survive during this exhausting and fearful time.

Lucky was the only koala to survive the 2003 fires in this region. Unfortunately the only photo of Lucky I could find was one taken just after he was rescued from the fire…all too dreadful to see, but he did survive and thrive until July 2008, and he died of old age.

For five years there were no koalas at Tidbinbilla. In 2013, some koalas were relocated from New South Wales to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. These koalas have been part of special breeding program and have thrived since this time.

Koalas eat a range of Eucalyptus leaves. .

The Rangers at Tidbinbilla created a special free-range enclosure which enabled adults and children to see the koalas eating, sleeping, and climbing branches without disturbing them.

This adult koala is tolerantly taking this almost fully grown youngster for a ride.

Brushed-tailed Rock Wallaby.

The brushed-tailed rock wallaby is another animal that survives well in Tidbinbilla. In the mid 1990s there were fewer than 40 southern brush-tailed rock wallabies in the wild and in this area.

In days well past, they were hunted for many years, then lost habitat to feral foxes and feral goats. Tidbinbilla joined the fight to save the brush-tailed wallaby. These days Tidbinbilla has about 70 per cent of the southern Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby’s captive breeding population in Australia.

In the words of Brett McNamara, the Regional Manager ACT Parks and Conservation Service.(2019)

Next time you visit Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, keep an eye out for the elusive shadow as it takes a giant leap forward, back from the edge of extinction.

Congratulation to all the Rangers and volunteers who work at Tidbinbilla, their dedication over the years has made Tidbinbilla a wonderful place to visit.

Best wishes to all readers and may your days be sunny and mild..

Copyright Geraldine Mackey: All Rights Reserved .

12 Replies to “Kangaroos, Koalas and the Brushed Tailed Rock Wallaby Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve”

    1. Thanks Judy. I thought you might like the kangaroos, and the koalas…they are usually quite hard to photograph, but much easier at Tidbinbilla.

    1. Thank you. The weather has been SO unpredictable this year…but we’ll try again for a visit to Tidbinbilla.

  1. How I love to see pictures of animals that I never see around here. In short, I am agog when I look at those pictures. So very sad to read how some have been decimated by fire and others by hunting. But, there was also hope as you noted how the creatures are making a comeback. Yay!!!

    Finally, you live in such a beautiful place. What a treat to see it through pictures on your blog.

    1. Thank Laurie, I’m glad you enjoy the Aussie animals and landscapes, I in turn so enjoy all your stories, and those of fellow bloggers. I think blogging is just the best way to get to know people from other countries, it is fun reading blogs every day. ..much better than looking at the news too!
      Best wishes, I hope you get a bit more sunshine soon.

  2. What a wonderful experience to visit the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and see the amazing wildlife there. I enjoyed reading your descriptions and seeing your photos of the kangaroos and koalas. It must have been so exciting to spot them in their natural habitat. I admire your passion for nature and conservation.

    1. Thank you very much. Canberra is a lovely place to live as we see many different types of birds, and also the kangaroos and other wildlife. It does make me feel passionate about conservation.

  3. Wonderful photos, I did enjoy them. Oh, how awful to hear of the fire and loss of the koalas, I do fear for the climate worldwide now. Brilliant news re the comeback of the wallaby’s!xxx

    1. I thought you would like our Tidbinbilla wildlife, the babies from any wildlife are so cute, but especially the koala, and joeys!

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